Start your someday now
“Someday when I have more time, I will start a business”
“Someday when I have more money, I will launch an online course”
“Someday when I reach my financial goals, I want to start a podcast”
“Someday when I have more clarity, I will write a book”
“Someday when my kids are grown, I will quit my corporate job and do something I love”
These statements are so common. They stand out to me like beams of light in most every conversation I have. It peaks my interest, so I say 5 simple words “tell me more about that…”. The energy immediately shifts as they expand on what they’ll do when their “someday” comes. Their eyes light up, they become more animated, their voice is vibrant and alive. The more they talk, the more excited they get and their passion is contagious. As I stay curious and listen, this space I am holding for them becomes sacred. As they talk more about what they want to do, they are giving themselves a beautiful gift that we so often stifle, shove down and feel we don’t deserve to explore.
At some point, the energy shifts. They awaken to the illusion that there is too much standing in the way. Not enough time, money or resources. Too many responsibilities like kids, our day job or home projects. Or the biggest one, they just “aren’t ready yet”?
What if you will never be ready? What if someday never comes? When you think about the legacy you are building, what comes to mind? Is it all the things that get in the way of your “someday when” project? Or is it that thing you are passionate about that lights you up?
We are conditioned to focus on our responsibilities, obligations and the items that show up on our calendars. It is rare that we step back, take time for ourselves, what we crave and infuse some action toward these passion projects into our busy days. It feels too selfish, irresponsible and unconventional.
There is one fact that seems to get overlooked in all of this - you will not create this overnight. Businesses, podcasts, online courses, the job you love and books aren’t written in one sitting. It is going to take time to make this legacy worthy passion project a reality. SO WHY NOT START NOW? Take your first steps (hint: it can be as simple as saying this out loud to 2 people). That is a step. Then a google search. Then an informational interview. Maybe you meet with a potential mentor. All of these steps take 1 hour max. Do you have one hour a day or a week to devote to building your legacy?
Have you ever thought about how much more of you that you could bring to the day job, family, volunteer projects if you were lit up? If your cup was full?
Something magical starts to happen when we listen and act on the whispers of our soul. Opportunities come to us, connections are built, ideas come and a divine flow unfolds. If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for the people who love you. Start your someday now! Schedule a complimentary consult with me if you get stuck: schedule now.