How to Create Effortless Boundaries to Enjoy the Life you Want
One of my IG posts that people quote back to me most is one on social media boundaries. The idea of having guidelines to maximize their time, helps people focus. Things like; no screen time for the first hour of your morning or the hour before bed & only getting on social media to engage with content vs. mindless scrolling.
You will be amazed at what happens when you apply this same concept to other areas. You’ll reserve your energy and time for what you desire. Here are some ideas for boundaries in general:
Only say yes to invitations that you are excited to accept (if it isn’t a “hell yes”, it's a “no”)
When you feel the inspiration to do something, act immediately
Say no to things that drain your energy vs. fill you up
Never work out of your email inbox
For the first hour of your work day, work on your most important high leverage action before you check email
Keep your ringer and notifications off when you work on high priority tasks
Never say yes to anything out of guilt
Do one thing per day that brings you pure joy
This is not meant to be a list that you pick up and use yourself. Instead, use it as a thought-starter for you. What boundaries do you want to create?
Now that you've read this, you'll start to get ideas of your own. As you go about your day, notice how certain situations, environments or circumstances affect you. Reflect on those experiences. Ask yourself, "what boundaries can I set up to help me have more or less of that"? Hold your boundaries and watch your life transform into the life you want.