One Thing you Can Control - Consistent Revenue

What if I told you that, as a service-based entrepreneur, one thing you can control right now during the COVID-19 uncertainty is consistent revenue?  Does every month’s revenue on your profit and loss statement look different?  Do you feel out of control and like you are hanging onto luck each month?

Let’s start with where you have clarity.  You know your market segment.  You’re clear on your niche.  You are familiar with your audience.  You know how you can serve your ideal customers, even in a recession.

The next step (if you haven’t done this already) is having a signature program or two that you offer to your target market with a start and end date and a monthly fee.  Ideally your offering is a virtual offer, at least for now. Next, let’s make a plan to connect YOUR OFFER to YOUR PEOPLE.  This is the gap that I’m continually working with clients on closing.  The huge opportunity I see with the successful service-based entrepreneurs I’ve worked with is the visibility of their offers to their vast network of supporters.

If I asked you to make a list of 100 people that know you and love your work, I bet you could do that in 30 minutes or less.  Then, if I asked you - how many of those people know what the latest programs are that you are selling, what would you say?

I can feel the resistant energy creeping in.  The reasons why you haven’t done this yet might be flowing into your brain.  Don’t worry, that is GOOD, when you hit resistance, you know you’ve nailed your next right action.  

There is a lot of uncertainty right now.  One thing that you can control is what programs you  offer that you know will help your people. If you don’t have those programs together yet, no worries.  Take it one step at a time:

  1. Start talking to your network and raving fans, find out what is going on for them

  2. Let this information inform your offer

  3. Share your offers with people whom you know your programs will help

With consistency, some simple metrics, and you showing up with your best energy (this will be my next blog post), you can meet your goals.  Increase the visibility of your offers to your raving fans and take control of your revenue.


Listen, Learn and Act to Create Change


The Timing will Never Feel Right, Start Before you Feel Ready