Live Out Your Full Potential
It pains me to see so many people living life in a state of, “should.” What I mean by this is, living in a headspace of shame for not doing enough. “I should work harder, I should respond to emails instantly, I should climb the corporate ladder, I should be a stay at home Mom AND a working Mom.”
Your “shoulds,” might look different than mine, but the energy behind them is the same - it's not what you really want, it's what you feel you should do.
Instead, what if you focus on your desires and what you crave? One of the biggest differences is that it comes from you instead of a fictitious narrative that fits what others want from you (which may or may not be true but ISN’T yours).
I believe that if you ground yourself, your heart can lead the way. It’s easy to get caught up in the way everyone else does it. We tend to follow along because that’s what we’ve been taught. However, when you get a glimpse of what it feels like to lead your life from a place of your soul’s truth and desire, you’ll never go back. Why? Because it feels good, because it is authentically you.
Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
When you pay attention to your strengths, the aspects of work and life that simply flow easily for you, it helps you identify where to spend more of your time and attention. These are the things you were born to do.
If you can identify your strengths, surely you can identify your weaknesses. Pay attention to what drains you, you’ll uncover your weaknesses. It then becomes easier to allow yourself to receive help and delegate.
Allow Yourself the Time to Desire
Another strategy to uncover your true potential is allowing yourself the permission to desire. We are so busy with our responsibilities, that we don’t think about what we crave. Esther Hicks teaches a very simple way to do this. Sit down with pen and paper and write the words “wouldn’t it be nice if…” and then braindump all the things that come to mind. This exercise alone can shift your energy into the possibilities!
Allow yourself to explore one or two of your “wouldn’t it be nice if” items. Pick one that speaks to you and try to make space for it in your life regularly.
The possibilities that I see for our world when we allow our hearts, souls, strengths, and desires to lead is limitless. I see each of us individually, living out our full potential. This is what motivates me to do what I do. To help people remove their limitations, shoulds, fears, and doubts to live their full potential. What is calling to you? Tell me!