Project Jumpstart Mindmap

“I don’t know where to start…”

“I have so many ideas swirling around and no time to execute…”

“I can’t get myself to take action…”

These are just some of the things I hear my client say when I recommend they start with a mindmap.Mind maps help your brain’s ideas flow freely. They are easier to consume than a list (for many people) because the spatial layout is a better overview at-a-glance.

The next time you find yourself procrastinating or putting something off, grab a cup of coffee and a blank piece of paper and mind map out your ideas. Create a spoke for each idea, and then spokes off of that for next actions, possibilities, and notes. You can brainstorm a conversation you need to have, a project you need to scope or a piece of copy that you need to write. The possibilities are endless!

When there is resistance to doing something, which there often is with soul led goals, a mindmap is the perfect shortcut!  Click here to get my free template to jumpstart your “someday when project”. Not sure which area of the mindmap to tackle first?  Follow your intuition and where your energy that day wants to focus. 


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