How to Manage your Energy: take your time management to a new level

There is one thing that I’ve learned over the last 3 years that has made the biggest difference in my business and it might surprise you - how to manage my energy.

It is not something I learned in business school, nor is it something very many people are talking about.  Time management has always been a passion of mine and is more widely discussed.  But when you add energy management as a strategy, the results will astound you.

The first step is noticing.  Notice how your body and energy feel in different scenarios (i.e. times of day, after certain food/drink, hours of sleep, exercise, locations, or with certain people or situations).  I suggest when you are beginning that you keep a brief log to notice patterns.  For me, my energy is at its best when I’m rested, eat whole foods, exercise, meditate & have time in nature.  What makes a difference in your energy?

The next step is to eliminate or minimize what drains you.  Do you hate meetings?  Are there certain people that after you spend time with you feel exhausted?  How about the type of work you are doing (i.e. spreadsheets, presentations, networking, or extended periods of working alone).  This is more dependent on your personality or workstyle but be aware of what fuels you vs. what drains you.  I am a huge believer in outsourcing & delegating your weaknesses (they are afterall, someone else’s strengths and an energy booster for them).

Now you are ready to be proactive about taking CONTROL of your energy.  I’ve heard all the reasons why this will never work - “but I have kids, responsibilities, spreadsheets are necessary for my work”, etc.  It is all true AND a lot more than you might be taking responsibility for IS in your control.  It might take some effort on the front end but overtime, energy management becomes a habit.  You will never go back to living as a victim of your circumstances once you learn this skill.  There are three parts to taking control:

  1. Plan the things that fuel your energy into your calendar proactively.  Yes, I am suggesting that you add “take a walk” to your calendar or even “eat lunch”.  It sounds silly but if you are a recovering work-a-holic like me, something as simple as lunch can easily get skipped if you don’t make it a priority like the other meetings on your calendar.

  2. Honor your commitments to yourself.  It is easy to skip over non-urgent but important things you’ve now added to your calendar.  However, you aren’t hurting anyone but yourself.  The more you ignore these important activities, it erodes at self trust and you build on another layer of guilt that also drains your energy (counter-productive).

  3. Notice your energy in each moment and adjust.  Schedule aside, if you are working away and notice a heavy energy coming in (things might feel hard, difficult or like you are “pushing” to achieve).  Stop what youre doing and do something to consciously shift your energy.  This can be as simple as getting a glass of water, taking a break or walking around the block.  It is especially important to notice the energy you are bringing to work when you are embarking on important tasks - when you bring your best energy to your work, it flows effortlessly.

Another component of this is how your mind and thoughts impact your energy.  If you find yourself caught up in a story of being a victim in a certain situation for instance, be conscious of how those thoughts affect you and the outcomes of your work.  Catch yourself in the midst of the drama and shift your thought pattern for improved energy.  A good way to do this is to talk it out with a trusted friend or journal out any limiting beliefs.  Once you hear someone else’s take on it or see the thought there in words on paper, the energy begins to improve.

This is not a quick fix opportunity.  It is a new way of being that takes time and practice but is absolutely worth the effort.  Please comment, DM, or email me with your questions on this topic.  When you align your energy with the way that you want to feel, the circumstances around you improve in ways that you never could have imagined.


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