How to Complete Your Soul Led Goals Instead of Procrastinating
Your soul-led goals are the keys that unlock the doors to the biggest successes that await you in your business. When you get quiet enough to listen, divine guidance and intuition will guide you toward the right projects to pursue. When you allow your soul to lead, you are ushered to a path that has the potential to feel effortless. Where there is ease, there is typically the most profitable path.
Once you know in your mind what it is you are being called to do, the first step is to say it out loud. Speaking the words out loud to a trusted support system will expedite things. It's like putting an order in with the universe, yet so many of us won’t do this due to fear of jinxing it or sounding silly. Go against the grain and do it anyway - I dare you.
Soon after beginning to share your desires with others, you’ll quickly notice something that isn’t quite as fun… It’s called resistance. Suddenly, you’ll feel that the dream is way too big, intimidating, and you decide you don’t know where to start or, “aren’t ready yet.” In addition to these thoughts, physical blocks will also pop up in the way of moving forward. Things like important meetings, doctor appointments, health issues, etc., detouring us away from taking action. It's like the universe wants you to say it one more time… it’s asking, “How important is this to you?” The key here is to take action anyway.
At this stage it is important to decipher the difference between your soul’s voice (hint: it's usually a whisper) and your inner critic (normally much louder)... The inner critic might sound something like, “Who are you to do this?” “You are not qualified,” or “Not good enough,” to achieve this desired outcome. When this begins to happen, celebrate. If your resistance and ego are flaring up like this, you are headed in the right direction! If not, your goal might not be big enough.
Now it's time to take daily high leverage actions. Ask yourself, “What is the next action that is going to get me closest to my objective?” If we aren’t careful, resistance can be the catalyst to procrastination. If you allow it to overtake you, you’ll never get started. Procrastination seeps its way into your schedule for many reasons, but especially when you feel uncomfortable with a daunting project. So take some precautions; make sure your actions are in bite-sized chunks (think 15-20 minute tasks), ask someone to hold you accountable, and find support when you feel stuck.
Lastly, celebrate all the tiny little wins along the way. When you move your attention toward what you’ve accomplished, more of those successes pour in. This is a marathon strategy, not a sprint. And the compounding effect is real. So let the momentum build and carry you forward.
Remember that you genuinely know in your heart and your gut which goals to pursue. Acting on these aspirations is what can be difficult. Use the steps above to continue to show up for yourself and what your soul really wants for you. If you want to dive deeper, check out my Jumpstart Your Someday When Mini-Course & Strategy Session. Learn to stop living with regret and start completing those soul-led goals.